
Welcome to Plum Co-Ownership

Co-ownership is a rapidly growing trend in vacation home ownership.  It reduces upfront costs, aligns your investment with your actual usage, and reduces ongoing maintenance costs and risks.  We’ve partnered with Plum CoOwnership, Inc. to bring the power of co-ownership to you.


Leveraging Co-ownership to Make Your Dreams Come True

There are several ways we can leverage the Plum CoOwnership Platform to help you realize the home of your dreams:

    1. Form a Group – If you have family and friends who have considered co-ownership, we can make that process simple and fast.
    2. Fractionalize your Vacation Home – Do you own a vacation home today, and wish that you could free up some capital?  We can help you fractionalize the property and sell shares to other co-owners.
    3. Manage Co-ownership – Many of us have inherited a vacation home and need a better way to manage co-ownership with our siblings.  We can help with vacation calendars, maintenance schedules, and rule setting.
    4. Buy a Share or Find a Group to Join – If you wish to partner with an existing owner or organizer of a group, we can match you!  Plum’s PlumCertified Background check keeps everyone nice and safe.


Learn More

Explore how co-ownership can help you buy the vacation home of your dreams:


Get Help with Co-ownership

Plum’s friendly concierges are here to answer questions about co-ownership. Drop us a line and let us help you on your co-ownership journey!

Get help with Co-Ownership


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